PMI-SP® Exam Prep Course #SP-1C-2022 [Sa/Su 5:30pm – 9:30pm CDT x 8 sessions]
This is an Exam Prep Course for those seeking to earn the Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP®) credential.
DAYS: Saturdays and Sundays (4hr/session x 8 sessions)
DATE: Saturday October 29th to Sunday November 20th
LOCATION: Zoom® Webinar Live Online from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. CDT
MATERIALS: Digital Copies on Day 1 of class; Hard-copies mailed to you USPS
Not A Vanguards Student Yet? Pay below for your Lifetime Pass to our PMI-SP® Exam Prep Courses!
Course Details
Course Description
Our Classroom classes are taught in-person AND streamed live with cameras using Zoom® Webinar.
Teach students everything they need to know in order to successfully take and pass the Scheduling Professional, or PMI-SP®, exam. This is achieved through group/team activities, real-world scenarios, practical applications, and neuroscience which coalesce through the standards created by the Project Management Institute, or PMI® (see pmi.org).
- 100% Start-to-Finish Live assistance filling out & submitting Your PMI-SP® Exam Application on PMI.org
- Access to Recorded Videos of all Classes for Life
- Access to All Live Virtual PMI-SP® Exam Prep Classes for Life
- Physical Course Materials Mailed to your Physical Mailing Address Entered at PayPal Checkout
- Live Virtual Whiteboard Screen-sharing with Instructor
- 30 Contact Hours of education required in Scheduling Professionals practices (required by PMI to apply for the exam)
- Training from a current PMI-SP® Credential holder
- 30 hours of education in Scheduling, Budgeting, and Resourcing practices (required to apply for the exam)
- Textbook Daniel Yeoman’s “Passing the PMI-SP® Certification Exam the First Time!,” covering exam content and test-taking strategies, with three full simulated exams included
- Lifetime access to free PDU offerings to help you maintain your credential
- Course notebook with comprehensive memory-device aids covering all aspects of the exam content
- All classroom supplies (pen, markers, highlighter, etc.)
- Daniel Yeoman’s “Passing the PMI-SP® Certification Exam the First Time!”
- Lifetime Access to all PMI-SP® Exam Prep Courses we offer publicly
- Knowledge of Scheduling principles, practices, and tools across Traditional, Agile, & Hybrid methodologies
- Application of the Scheduling, Budgeting (including Earned Value), and Resource Management
- Improved productivity, delivery of business value and project/organizational success
- Validation of your experience, ability, and proven understanding of current skills, tools, and terminology