
Why Being a Project Manager is Important?

There are many reasons why project management skills are necessary and business frequently sought after skilled candidates with formal project management experience. Over the last two decades the nature of work has changed significantly. Instead of focusing on long-term goals over a period of years, businesses now focus on achieving more identifiable goals over a shorter span of time. Managing quick paced goals and diverse opportunities requires comprehensive planning and execution which a typical manager would not be familiar with.

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Healthcare Problems Addressed By Project Management

The healthcare industry faces problems unique in the business world. Healthcare organizations must meet government regulations and laws, while at the same time complying with insurance policies, professional and ethical standards, and patient expectations. Electronic medical records have introduced a new layer of complexity to this endeavor, with many organizations struggling to meet Meaningful Use guidelines. Proper project management can help ease the transition to EMR, and can help with many other problems facing the healthcare industry.

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Tales From an Accidental Project Manager

What is an accidental project manager? Simply put, it is someone who acts as a project manager, but has never been trained as one. Often times, this person is not officially given the title of “Project Manager,” even though they perform the functions of one. In those cases, the accidental PM is often juggling two jobs – the workload that falls under their official job title, and the workload that falls under the scope of project management. What is it like to be an accidental project manager, and can a project run smoothly when its manager has no formal training?

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