With this purchase you will receive absolutely everything you need to pass the PMP exam on your first try. This class is a cohort process and much deeper than a general taxonomic outline. We use and provide more than just one single source of knowledge. Point of fact, we actually provide more outstanding resources for our students than any other PMP Exam Prep course in the world. Our course is designed to utilize both types of memory power, declarative and procedural. And it’s likewise created to work with your schedule.
The materials you will receive (which are the most up-to-date and current items of their kind, respectively) include the Project Management Body of Knowledge (or PMBOK), exam preparation materials designed by Velociteach, access to over 1,000 practice questions to better prepare you for the exam, a binder with all the powerpoint slides of the class along with a course syllabus, Project Manager notepad for taking/writing notes as well as all other stationery, 35 Contact Hours required to take the PMP Exam, and 24/7 access to one of our PMP Exam Prep instructors. All of these things and more, make us the most comprehensive and devoted company to our students than any other.
It’s also worth noting that all of our classroom materials are created by Registered Education Providers (or R.E.P.’s) of the Project Management Institute (or PMI). Their website is This simply means that everything we teach you has already been stamped and approved by the PMI as an official Exam Preparation tool. So, quite literally, all you need to bring with you to our first class is yourself.
As a final note, it’s vital for those interested in taking the PMP Exam to understand that a credential capable of increasing your pay and benefits by 30% or more, is a serious endeavor which requires serious effort both inside and outside of the classroom. We will give you all the tools you need and more, but it’s up to you to finish the job.
So what are you waiting for? Sign-up today!
Plan Ahead (Forward Thinking)
No Professional like you or me plans to fail, but some do fail to plan. So in order to help you for this exam, we recommend that you read the following book:
-“The Memory Book,” by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas (NBA Hall of Fame Basketball Player), published by STEIN AND DAY, located in Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510. 1974.
Yes, this book may seem dated, but it will unlock your memory’s potential and greatly enhance your ability to recall the things you memorize with great efficiency and detail. And the reason why there have been no updated editions to this book is because they got it right the first time. Here’s what the back book cover reads:
Dear Mr. Lorayne:
I was a POW [Prisoner of War, Vietnam] from 1966 to 1973. Shortly before I was shot down and captured I read one of your books. The POW’s had no reading or writing material, so we relied solely on [your memory system] for sanity… During the first few months of captivity, while flat on my back in a cast, I attempted to reconstruct the contents of your book…I applied your system…and found that it indeed worked! I taught it to hundreds of my fellow POW’s over the next six years. Eventually it was spread throughout the camp and was an invaluable aid to all of us…We applied your system and learned literally thousands of foreign words, poems, speeches, mathematics, electronics, classical music, philosophy…the list is endless. This opened new worlds of mental activity which was so important to us since we were isolated from the world for such a long period of time…Just wanted to tell you how much your systems meant to all of us behind the bamboo wall.– Lt. Col.-USAF
You can find this book online at places like Ebay and Amazon.
Class Registration
Once You Purchase/Buy a Class Seat, You Are Completely REGISTERED!
Show Up To Class With Nothing – We Provide EVERYTHING You’ll Need (paper, pen, etc.)!
Course Material
All Course Materials Used by Project Vanguards LLC. are created by Registered Education Providers under the Project Management Institute.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Refunds for this event will be given to attendees who email a cancellation request to at least 72 hours prior to the start of the event.